Space For Nature
Garden biodiversity forum

News: Spring/Summer 2006

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Space For Nature featured on Korean TV

Appeared on Space For Nature on Junuary 3rd 2006
British wildlife gardening and the Space For Nature website were central themes of a television program broadcast by South Korea channel KBS.
I recently received a video tape from Lee Jeong Soo of Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) showing an hour-long 'nature special' broadcast by KBS at the end of 2005. Producer and camerman in gardenCameraman Baik Hong Jong and producer Lee Jeong Soo in my Bolton garden Producer Lee, together with cameraman Baik Hong Jong, were filming in England for a couple of weeks back in October/November 2005 and they spent five days with me here in Bolton looking at my garden and investigating the creation of the Space For Nature website. Open quotesThe premise of the programme was that contact with nature enriches people's lives, even in (or perhaps especially in) today's fast-paced and high-tech culturesClose quotesThe premise of the programme was that contact with nature enriches people's lives, even in (or perhaps especially in) today's fast-paced and high-tech cultures. The pair also spent time filming elsewhere in the country, for example at the Eden Project in Cornwall, at St. Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital and with the Essex Wildlife Trust.

Open quotesThe programme was based solely in the UK and Space For Nature's wildlife gardening message was the central themeClose quotesThe programme was based solely in the UK and Space For Nature's wildlife gardening message was the central theme. Despite the fact that the Koreans were cursed with five days of almost non-stop rain here in Bolton, they managed to get some great footage of wildlife in the garden and some of the techniques of wildlife gardening. I was delighted at the way that wildlife gardening was portrayed; from the emotional connection with nature right through to the technical details of wildlife gardening - it was all there.

Lee Jeong Soo arranged to come and film here after discovering Space For Nature on the web; showing that, although designed principally for UK readers, Space For Nature and the subject of wildlife gardening can strike a chord anywhere in the world.
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